Searching for a folder while living in Nashville is still continuing to be difficult. I've twice been close to finding a folder on craigslist that was in a location that could be comfortably driven to over a weekend. The first was in Cincinnati where this guy was selling a Peugeot folder, fairly basic but in good condition. I was prepared to drive there on a sunday, but he was busy, and had a possible buyer coming by to see it the next day. Unfortunately for me, it sold on monday.
The second was in Knoxville, or nearby, where a guy was selling a folding Chiorda, which seemed to be in pretty nice condition. I contacted him to see if it was still available, only to find he was reconfiguring the bike to a coaster brake "because it would work better for the folding mechanism". I myself prefer a bike with handbrakes and a freewheel, so I probably won't be pursuing this anymore. However, the Chiorda is not too different from my Bianchi back in California, and the handbrakes serve it just fine. And if the Chiorda's handbrakes are anything like my Bianchi's, then that means the brakes are welded to the handlebars, making this a lot of effort to reconfigure, I'm guessing. Especially if there's someone, like myself, who would prefer to buy it as is.
Oh well, for now there's still one other lead.. :)
Friday, August 7, 2009
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